Thursday 21 February 2013



We went to parkson and kajang area have a walk after tuition
from 4pm to
40 cents made a lot of fun
CH steps on the weighing machine when YS is weighing her weight
It was so funny.. with the result 71.2 kg, 163cm
But actually she is just below 50kg..
We laughed quite long time..hahahaha..

=I really like the time with u guys=



Happy reunion day
I had a special reunion day with them
because of I dun want to stay at granny house

We yumcha at KFC
Which actually wanted to go OLDTOWN
but there was fulled
so funny
never heard people yumcha at KFC 1..
because KFC cant refill the drinks

When we go to toilet
we went to the playground
A lot of memories came to my mind
My sisters and me were playing in that playground when we were a kids
BTW..we played one of the game of the playgroud..haha

When we were going down the stairs (after toilet)
YS,KS,CC.."play water"haha..and YS screamed
People down there so curious what we were

Then we played basketball at dewan Sg Chua
with KS,CH,KW,CC,VIC...
Divided into 2 teams
I teamed with CH n VIC
thanks to them..they gave me a lot of chances to play it
I can just get 2

Have fun with them in the special day.. :)
Thanks buddies..


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