Monday 9 September 2013

#Jamuan SPBT #Half day camp + Jamuan Perpisahan Pandu Puteri #Hari Kantin

30 August 13

Jamuan SPBT after school

Thanks for the juniors for preparing the activities for us
That PnP ordered them to "seksa" us..
2 hours at basketball court and played the games
Steamboat as lunch
It was fun..
I think it will be the last chance for us to gather as SPBT member

After this jamuan
we..upper 6 are retired
I enjoyed the moment we processed 700+ text books
it was fun that everyone of us did a very good job in that

1 Sept 13
Sunday and have to go to school for the activities
hectic school life? =x

Half day camp organised by juniors
Thanks for the hard work in preparing the games, the foods and other..
Station games was fun and quite relaxing..haha

Masakan rimba was the fun part that we cooked the food ourselves
Jamuan that u have to cook the food urself
Is good?
for me was memorable..
although the food were not very nice
but we did enjoyed the process
Lower sixers..u all are awesome :)

Retirement for me as the chairman for this association after 1 year
I learnt a lot of things that useful in my future
although..there are some cases that made me had some argue with PnP
Until now..I still feel that she dislike me because of something....
I already tried my best in running this association
I hope others can see my hard work in doing this


7 Sept 13

Hari kantin SMKTK
Went after tuition
I realised that..
I'm the only girl in the group of boys
Nothing much in this event
quite boring though..
fun part was Toby used Pang's name dedicate 1 song for KKC..
I'll always love u..
haha..everyone laughed at him..and he feel like..OMG..hahahha
I think this is the only fun part in this event..hmm...

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