Friday 28 June 2013

Noisy in the class

21 Jun 13 

Feel like want to record what happened today
 in the school in my class AWESOME 6AE 
everyday is like in tension mode
somehow today Tung and I was cooperate to make Cindy to jealous about us 
*Just a fake action we didhaha..but really fun with it
because I can totally leave stress behind
Thanks for the fun that bring to me


22 Jun 13



庆功宴就在Scout Garden 的一炳锅啦





Tuesday 25 June 2013

KS Bday

17 Jun 13

Celebrated KS Birthday 1 day advanced
Hope to give surprise to him actually

Silly things happened
Siew pointed the wrong direction of the way to go McD Bangi
Roundabout and we lost our way...=,=
from Sg Chua (12 --> UKM, 9--> Bangi)
I should remember it by heart form now
teehee..So it wont happen again

Celebrated his birthday at McD Bangi
and also went to the park had some fun with school uniform


Tear can help me?

25 Jun 13

These few days
Stressful day for me
Girl guide thinggy and the comment from teacher
about the worst president that I had

This really hurt me as I already try my best in doing all these
Try my best to organise activities
Think of tuition on Saturday as well as the activities for Girl Guide

Homework, Projects
this is the life of a Form 6 students should have?
What a stressful life that made me always mood swing..
Sorry friends, mom, dad, sis..
I am like cant control myself to release my anger out

Hope everything will go smooth after this
Cheer Mei Chin :)
Everything will be fine

Being Positive Does Not Mean Ignoring The Negative
Being Positive Means Overcoming The Negative 

Sunday 9 June 2013


12 June 2013

Outing with bro sis
Loudspeaker -- SingK
we were late there..(because YL's bro tui..xDD)

RM10 per person...with lunch and 3 hours SingK
Crazy moment in SingK
Shout n shout n shout

劲歌金曲 for the last song
repeated for 2 times
until the counter stopped the system..LOL!!!
We always that crazy 

until 2.30pm (actually the package was until 2.00pm only)
walked to Aeon 
Buy ticket...Fast and Furious 6 (3.10pm)

sat beside YS was really a......(hmm..dunno how to describe)
she shouted when the scene is disgusting and make some funny sounds
haha..But I like it!!!

Remembered one of the scene was some girls wearing begini...
then YS n me turned to see CC..
at the same time..CC n CH was looking at us also
haha..forgot what face we showed to them already
What's the purpose we looked at them at that

after the movie..went back lurr..
I love form 6l life :D



3 June 2013

Went back  to school do correction on the Physics report of semester 1
Thanks Pn Mahida for giving us a chance to do some corrections of our reports

we get to know that she get pregnant
and make some joke of her..haha..
Congratulations teacher :)

11++ went to Pizza Hut having our lunch
Had a good time with 6AE classmates+friends
15 of us "belanja" teacher "makan"
Thanks to her for teaching us 1 year
because next semester she is no longer teaching us Physics

we are like friends more to teacher and student
always make some jokes with her
"pretend to quarrel with her sometimes" haha

After the lunch
had a small meeting with the committees of basketball club 
*about the competition
(not a formal meeting lar..hehe)

Pang, Hew, Tung, Tiang, Puei n I went to Metropoint jalan-jalan
then feel like try pool..

Haha..first attempt pool
it was so awesome
First few "shoots"..I was so noob..cant even aim the white ball
haha..what a nice experience

after that..start to get into the situation already
1 table with Tiang n Tung..
Pang n Hew finished 2 round..we were still in the first round

Had fun today :D

Broga Hill hiking

30 May 2013

8 hours Broga with the gang
Broga Hill hike from 6.30am to 10.30am
Until 4th peaks
Stopped every peak

Noticed that
my stamina dropped..sad
maybe due to lack of exercise because busy in study

We took a very long rest at 4th peak
Until we dont feel like want to go down the hill..haha..

Breakfast after the hike
*stopped by Outbac Broga and gave chocolate to them (from Langkawi)

Sak Dato Temple 
to the 孙悟空
Everyone were tired
like no more energy to walk anymore..haha..
Rest there quite long time..the view there super nice!!!
just too sunny..made us stay under the roof

Had ABC after that
=everyone are tired=haha

*have to go to SinMing Camp at night..hohoho**
Rock the school holiday!!!


Camp surveying

25 May 2013

Day with the sis sis bro bro

Went to Broga around 4pm
to do camp survey
for Girl Guide and SPBT camp

Organic farm (campsite before Broga Hill)
Paradise Valley (a new place in Broga)

Outbac Broga 

one having the place for camping
another one having the relaxing place
one having the cheapest price providing the almost same conditions
which to choose? hmm..Let teacher to decide lar..hehe

most of us like the Paradise Valley so much
because there provided a very comfortable place 
just the cost a bit higher than other campsite

At first planning to go to temple there have a walk was raining that time..sad~~
we just sat there and having some crap..
Dinner at "hao peng you"..

we was given a chance to watch fire show at Outbac Broga
Thanks to Eli :)
Had the awesome time with them..


Holiday started now (Day1)

23 May 2013

Sem 2 exam ended
meaning that Holiday started
2 weeks time
Gonna to make this holiday as pack as I can..teehee :D

Last paper -- Chemistry ended at 12.30pm
surprisingly did not have the excited feeling
But worrying feeling comes to me

Had lunch (Rojak) with YL, PS, CS
talking crap with each others
some how..not very much funny things to share with 


Back home and rest for a while
Night time went for wesak walk
(Jing Miao temple, Sg Chua)
7++ met at CH's home
then we depart
walked all the way from Sg Chua to Kajang town
not feeling tired but fun!!!
the 圣水 from the 花车..nice experience though... :)

Met Tamiko half way..then she walked together with us

Met Rachel when we went back to temple
Group photo 

*regret didnt take photo with Rachel

Supper at Kajang Impian (somewhere around there)
until around 12am..YL and I went back..hohoho

Thanks for accompany me to this wesak walk
First time joined this
I love u guys :)


Monday 3 June 2013

CNY With the Gang

16 Feb 13

Bai-Nian from house to house after tuition

1. Syuen
2. Pang
4. Siew
5. Tong
6. Hew
7. MC
8. YL

Had fun everyone's house
Tired though
Our friendship is strengthen 

Thanks for giving me the joyness 
Love u guys <3

With the rabbit



Love this pic very much!!!

#MC #YL #YS #SY #KS #CH #CC #KW #LK 

Pn Teh house Bai Nian

14 Feb

20 persons (4 cars) 
Pn Teh house bai nian
what a big group..haha

chit-chat with her
and gambling there
Thanks teacher for remembering us :)

Me & Lori

Lori & YL

Cheese :D

0213 Birthday

13 Feb

Officially entered 19th
No special celebration
But had dinner and supper with family
Oldtown as supper..LOL

Thanks to them celebrated birthday with me

How to describe the feeling..
Because of the words mom told me
Feel sad after listening to her
But..I think the words she said were not true
I knew..It wasn't like that..

Too long already..forgot which day..

KW told us that he wanted to stop Form 6
and we are the persons he wanted to talk with
Well...all of us trusted him

We went to Rest 1 (Kajang Prima)
He pretending emo that time
and tried to cover his face when he's "crying"

Then, Pang n Syuen holding a cake and came in
whoaa...Thanks for giving me the surprise!!!

Really a surprise for me
Thanks the sot sot gang!!!