Sunday 9 June 2013

Camp surveying

25 May 2013

Day with the sis sis bro bro

Went to Broga around 4pm
to do camp survey
for Girl Guide and SPBT camp

Organic farm (campsite before Broga Hill)
Paradise Valley (a new place in Broga)

Outbac Broga 

one having the place for camping
another one having the relaxing place
one having the cheapest price providing the almost same conditions
which to choose? hmm..Let teacher to decide lar..hehe

most of us like the Paradise Valley so much
because there provided a very comfortable place 
just the cost a bit higher than other campsite

At first planning to go to temple there have a walk was raining that time..sad~~
we just sat there and having some crap..
Dinner at "hao peng you"..

we was given a chance to watch fire show at Outbac Broga
Thanks to Eli :)
Had the awesome time with them..


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