Sunday 9 June 2013


3 June 2013

Went back  to school do correction on the Physics report of semester 1
Thanks Pn Mahida for giving us a chance to do some corrections of our reports

we get to know that she get pregnant
and make some joke of her..haha..
Congratulations teacher :)

11++ went to Pizza Hut having our lunch
Had a good time with 6AE classmates+friends
15 of us "belanja" teacher "makan"
Thanks to her for teaching us 1 year
because next semester she is no longer teaching us Physics

we are like friends more to teacher and student
always make some jokes with her
"pretend to quarrel with her sometimes" haha

After the lunch
had a small meeting with the committees of basketball club 
*about the competition
(not a formal meeting lar..hehe)

Pang, Hew, Tung, Tiang, Puei n I went to Metropoint jalan-jalan
then feel like try pool..

Haha..first attempt pool
it was so awesome
First few "shoots"..I was so noob..cant even aim the white ball
haha..what a nice experience

after that..start to get into the situation already
1 table with Tiang n Tung..
Pang n Hew finished 2 round..we were still in the first round

Had fun today :D

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