Sunday 9 June 2013


12 June 2013

Outing with bro sis
Loudspeaker -- SingK
we were late there..(because YL's bro tui..xDD)

RM10 per person...with lunch and 3 hours SingK
Crazy moment in SingK
Shout n shout n shout

劲歌金曲 for the last song
repeated for 2 times
until the counter stopped the system..LOL!!!
We always that crazy 

until 2.30pm (actually the package was until 2.00pm only)
walked to Aeon 
Buy ticket...Fast and Furious 6 (3.10pm)

sat beside YS was really a......(hmm..dunno how to describe)
she shouted when the scene is disgusting and make some funny sounds
haha..But I like it!!!

Remembered one of the scene was some girls wearing begini...
then YS n me turned to see CC..
at the same time..CC n CH was looking at us also
haha..forgot what face we showed to them already
What's the purpose we looked at them at that

after the movie..went back lurr..
I love form 6l life :D


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