Thursday 4 July 2013


4 July 13

this word able to describe my feeling thought now..messy and unorganized
WELL...I'm thinking of camping, retake, MUET exam, SEM 3
too many for me
What I should do now and next? 
Can anyone tell me?
I seriously feel tired right now

Somehow, I can only tell people and myself
I'm Fine, I'm just tired. 

MUET speaking exam ended yesterday
I tried my best for it..hopefully this paper can pull up my overall marks..
Some incident happened before speaking test
an Indian guy came late and make our original group gone..
changed from candidate B to A..what a moment
I felt like to punch that guy..
WELL..this is my fate..I have to accept it

Bestiee finally officially together with Siew
congratzz yar :D
haha..I'm still forever alone here..

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