Wednesday 31 July 2013

Basketball competition

31 July 2013

Participated in basketball competition
organised by Basketball Club SMKTK
As I remembered
last time I participated in competition was in Form 1

The games today was considered nice
eventhough my team lose
but..we were not lose dao "very cham"
at least..the strongest team
We had a draw game.. 0 vs 0..(haha)
another team..hmm..
we lose 2 marks..haihh

Good try my team members :)
we are the third place..haha
(because only 3 teams participated)

KhaiSheng's team got 3rd place as well
Pang's 4th
Nice game some how..
Dont be sad..guys :D

LLC asked us to back home and don't hang around here(bkb court)
haha..go back do maths..LOL..
What a responsible teacher..

Planning to play basketball in this coming holidays
Hope can do so lar..

**Feel like...Pn P got something not satisfied with me...But
who cares?
I'm already tired
no more energy to border about what's ur feeling
Camping, half day camp, jamuan..settle it asap..
I want to concentrate on my study!!!
Get lost all those Koko thinggy...

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