Sunday 11 August 2013

KW Birthday

Kw birthday is on 6/8
Because of having tuition at night
and we did not have enough time prepare the surprise or party for him
make him feel lonely on that day

He said
"I pushed all my other friends and leave today for u guys.
but end up alone at home"
It was so sad and feel bad for all of us
We didn't want this to happen actually
somehow..his mood get well when he received the present from SS
and others celebrated with him at Bangi McD

Organised a belated birthday party to him
Steamboat at his house..hohoho
seems not special and he don't feel like the party was for him
I knew that..and ask CH to make 1 small video for him as the present from us
Thanks CH..for spending whole day in doing the video
(I'm the one choosing the
**Sorry for CH...that we make joke on him
made him angry and said wont do that video thinggy anymore
Your effort and make KW feel touching is very valuable =D

Had a fun and nice steamboat time with them
Happy Belated birthday KW

#MC #CH #KW #YL #CC #YS #KS #SY #LK 

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