Saturday 10 August 2013

Sepang Day trip

8 July 2013

Bagan Lalang, Sepang, Tnajung Sepat 
1 day trip with family
Enjoyed the wind blow at the beach
Lying on the map is just nice and relaxing
96% of the visitors were Chinese
causing the RELA asked us..
"apa perayaan Cina? kenapa banyak Cina sini?"
LOL..this RELA..

Sand caster building with sis but failed..haha
Ended up we chose to take photo..hehe
with family of dad's friends and went to visit some of the places in Tanjung Sepat
Enjoyed the meal with a lot seafood..
Crabs, prawns, fish, octopus... 
whoaa...super niceeeee =D

Picnic prepared by mummy and daddy


Learnt from fb..hehe

Nice scene taken by me 

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